Ladies and Gentlemen, thanks for the admission to Smokehouse Pilots. I learned to fly in 1981 and in the ensuing years qualified as a CFI, CFII and MEI, I also have an ATP with type ratings in Hawker, B 737, Falcon 10 and BAC 1-11. I flew in the corporate environment for many years before joining Southwest Airlines from whom I retired in 2018 with 19 years of seniority as line captain and check airman. Following 10 months sitting around the house I decided to go back to work and now spend every other three week period in Korea as a sim Instructor on the B737 for Korean Airlines. Married to Annette, we live near Tampa Fl. on a small air park so have a hangar next to the house where we keep our 1979 Cessna 182RG.
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Thank you. Yeah, we love it here, an active EAA chapter, Young Eagles most months too. The strip is 4400’ I think, paved and lighted but no instrument approach but the min vectoring altitude is 1800’ so there are not many Florida days when you can’t get in. We have resident A&Ps, IAs an interior shop and just a wealth of knowledge and experience. Check out